

Do you treat tmj?

Yes! I use inner oral release of the trijeminal nerve area that can be affected by minor to major dental treatment, night grinding, or clenching of the jaw.

do you balance pelvic bones?

I soften the tissue so that the structural system has more freedom to be in alignment.

do you help with headaches & migraines?

Yes, I have had a lot of good results through releasing tension in the neck, therefore supporting the balancing of the body’s cranial bones.

how many treatments should i get/do i have to come back every week?

For my typical first client walking into my office with a major complaint, (migraines, TMJ, etc.) I want to see them 4 times in a month. If it’s severe, I may want to see them 6 total times for the first two weeks. Amounts are completely dependent on the severity of what is being worked on. After a month, we will know what the treatment has improved, what you need to do at home. We then can talk about what I believe is necessary to continue seeing success, but I leave it up to the client on how they desire to proceed.

do you do spa massage?

Yes! Typically people come in with a specific problem, so I approach treatment from that angle. Eventually, the problem has been addressed and the relief they were looking for has been achieved. At that point, a spa massage still addresses calming the nervous system, aiding in relaxation and tension release.

What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, card, and check! Checks would be made payable to: